Friday, September 5, 2014

What To Do With Email Marketing List

By Matthew Collis on the IXACT Contact blog

If you're wondering what to do with a purchased email list, the answer is don't use it or upload the email addresses into your real estate contact management system!
Purchased email lists are illegal in Canada under the new CASL legislation. In the U.S. it is legal but those who do it quickly realize they've made a mistake. Why? It just doesn't help you. In fact, it could do more harm than good. When you send unsolicited emails to people who have nothing to do with you, you're likely annoying a whole lot of folks, causing them to quickly hit the delete button or, worse, block you.
Historical training data from Omnivore, MailChimp's anti-abuse system, showed that engagement (opens and clicks), suffers dramatically with purchased email lists. Unsubscribes and complaints on the other hand, dramatically increase.
Email lists are not usually high quality. The email addresses on the list have probably been over-emailed (or, dare I say, spammed) by others who have purchased that list.
As well, purchased lists are often scraped from other websites and are not opt-in. This means that you're emailing people who never agreed to get correspondence in the first place – from anyone!
You also don't want to be reported as a spam or junk mail sender. If you are, emails coming from you will probably automatically bounce.

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